On behalf of Amrita Hospitals, the Interventional Pulmonology unit is honored and delighted to have the opportunity to host the ABIP (Amrita Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonary) 2019.
From the humble beginnings of being a sub speciality taking care of the sickest - consumptive disease (Tuberculosis), the field of pulmonology has embarked on providing care of the even more sick making advances by leaps and bounds in the field of non-TB pulmonology, Intensive Care Medicine and most recently in the last 2 decades, Interventional Pulmonology (IP). Mediastinum long considered the domain of the surgeon, is now accessible by EBUS - an outpatient procedure, done by the pulmonologist. The pleural space has become very accessible to diagnosis for all those unexpalined exudative pleural effusions via thoracoscopy. Airway tumors and bronchopleural fistulas are no longer an indomitable enemy for the Interventional pulmonologist. Navigational bronchoscopy has made distant peripheral lung nodules easily reachable and combining ENB with radial ebus has dramatically increased diagnostic accuracy for all these nodules. Read more.